Bay Explorer
Frog Park
Location: 55oo Claremont Ave., Oakland Ca 94618
Website: http://www.frogpark.org
Pricing: Free
Hours: Open all day/ every day
Description: We love this park-one of my favorites! In the Winter there is a stream that runs through the park, it doesn't get too high so it's fun for kids to explore, wade through, and hop from rock to rock in. The play structure is one like none other, sort of like a gigantic tree house! It's really huge and is built from wood. The play structure has so many different aspects of it including slides (regular and tunnel), a log bouncing bridge, a fire pole, a bouncing tire, many hiding places, and a giant spider web- a child can't get bored! The park also has swings including a tire swing for dizzy spinning. There are also a couple of picnic benches and a gigantic grassy field to picnic and lounge on. After it rains and in certain seasons the Temescal Creek traveling down the middle of the park is full, and full of opportunities for children to play and explore, if you are a parent who doesn't mind letting their child take their shoes off and get a little dirty. If you are not, not to worry the creek is not always full and there are plenty of other things for them to do in the park. If you go on a Sunday morning from 9-1 you can walk through the park on a connecting pathway to the Claremont DMV parking lot where the Sunday morning Farmer's Market is being held, pick up some organic fruit and yummy snacks.
Highlights: The highlight of this park is definitely the amazing play structure! The first time me and my husband laid eyes upon it we knew that this was a park like no other we had seen before. The play structure looks like something you would see the Lost Boys climbing in Never-Never Land. Children can run, climb, slide, bounce, ride on the play structure endlessly until their little imaginations are content. It is also a great play structure for hide-and-go-seek. The creek is really fun for children to "fish" with stick poles, walk in, and hop from rock to rock on.
Tips: Go on a Sunday so you can walk over to the Farmer's Market. Also picnic blanket, balls, and hand sanitizer are a good idea to keep handy. P.S. The bathroom is always gross- try to make sure you use it before you get to the park.